Wednesday 24 November 2010

Yummy Night Ahead in Winchester

I'm really looking forward to my tasting at the Wykeham Arms in Winchester this evening, there are still a few tickets left if you live in the vicinity.

The matches are below, it's all bite-size offerings to go with the beer so please don't be intimidated by the length of the menu!
Cream of Jerusalem artichoke soup, truffle oil,

Matched with HSB


Sauté of Shetland scallops, crisp pork belly, spiced apple compote

Matched with organic Honey Dew


Roast saddle of Hursley estate venison, seared liver, goose fat potato and red cabbage

Matched with 1845 ale

Pan-fried south coast turbot, crisp oxtail, curly kale

Matched with Bengal lancer ale


Madagascan vanilla bean pannacotta, compote of plums

Matched with Golden Pride


Selection of British cheeses

Lincolnshire poacher vintage cheddar, Exmoor blue, Tovey goats cheese, May hill green Brie

Matched with Brewer's Reserve No. 2

Coffee and London porter truffles

*this is a commercial event for which I'm being paid