Thursday, 24 June 2010

O What a Beautiful Pint

I'm sorry to have been missing so much recently, Taste of London (which was a fantastic success) absorbed all my time over the past couple of weeks and then I've been playing catch-up.

Okay, I also went fly fishing for the first time on Tuesday with my lovely dad, and I even caught two 1.5lb beauties! Dinner last night was fabulous!

But anyway, my main reasons for this post are on a Welsh theme, which is O, so delicious - I think you probably know where I'm going with this.

Yes, my Otley beer was sampled and I'm thrilled to say that it was everything I'd hoped it would be - full of aromatic lime and lemon notes from the botanicals of kaffir lime, lime skins and lemon grass - as well as the glorious Sorachi Ace hops - and with just the right spicy undercurrent to offset the sweetness provided by galangal.

I was so pleased with it I must have hugged everyone at the brewery nearly to death at least twice when I tasted it!

For those of you who have been guessing it's called thai-bO and I'm delighted to say that Otley is coming to lovebeer@borough* on Saturday July 10 and you will be able to sample at the Meet the Brewer event then!

Usual deal, £15 a ticket and the sessions are at 1pm & 3.30pm, tickets available from the Rake or by calling 020 7378 9461 from 3pm today.

*lovebeer@borough is my tasting business in Borough Market, therefore this post represents something in which I have a financial interest


Reluctant Scooper said...

That sounds gorgeous! I brewed a lemongrass and Tahitian lime leaf beer with Thornbridge last year - those flavours are pure summer. Shame I can't make it to the Rake but I'll keep an eye open for any casks escaping to the Midlands.

Melissa Cole said...

Thanks matey, I'm going to ask Nick where it's being distributed actually and see whether I can post where it it is.

I'm ridiculously pleased with it, I just hope all the really high citrus notes have stayed in there after these couple of weeks, but given the amount I used I can't imagine it's going anywhere for a while!!!!

Eddie86 said...

I tried it at the Great Welsh, and if it still tastes the same then London is in for a treat! I've got an Otley order next week, so hopefully I can get more...

Leigh said...

...does sounds really good - kudos!! brewing with Otley - you're in good care there. They dont produce bad beers!! consistently great.