Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Sharpen Your Tongue

On Saturday at the Draft House Tower Bridge the lovely, delightful and talented Mr Stuart Howe from Sharp's in Cornwall will displaying his wares - and possibly some beer.

The first session at 1pm is for ladeez only and is an in-depth tutored tasting with food matches, so if you are of the female persuasion and want to come, then please rock on over to the Barley's Angels Facebook page and sign up. There will then follow at 3.30pm  a small public sampling session, no food but the chance to chat informally with The Howe himself.

Treats on offer are:
Cask Atlantic IPA
Cask 3 year old Massive ale
Turbo Yeast Abhorrence from Beyond the Ninth Level of Hades
Bottled Monsieur Rock
Bottled Single Brew Reserve 2010
Bottled DW
Another bottled beer yet to be decided

So, hopefully that will be enough to wash the rather unpleasant taste out of all our mouths left by the comments about beer by a Royal press officer this week !

NB: I have a financial interest in this venture


Sweet Lily said...

Wow, cool!
Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed the visit. :)

Leigh said...

some great-sounding beers there - you guys are so lucky (or jammy, whichever way you look at it) in that there London!

Melissa Cole said...

I'm stil reeling from the Turbo Yeast Abhorrence, 23% - not feeling very well!