Sunday, 2 December 2007

No Pale Imitation

Well, given that Pete Brown has now landed in India - for those of you who haven't been following his epic adventures visit - I thought I would offer some tasting notes on the version of his Calcutta Ale that hasn't made the journey, which I tried at the really rather good Old Ale Festival at the White Horse the other weekend.

The nose is full of clove, banana and marzipan immediately - with a background of subtle caramel tones and a very slight lime zest.

The initial flavours are of a slightly tomatoey/orangey nature with very little discernable maltiness and then, suddenly, up pop some very slight burnt coffee notes followed by a medicinal spike of hop - which I'd hazard will have evened out on Pete's journey - and then you just get this enormously long, dry hop finish which, I have to say, made me feel incredibly hungry!

I could certainly drink more than a couple of pints of this in its
un-sea-soned state (geddit?!) and it is certainly a really brilliant pre-dinner pint to get the old juices flowing.

So congrats Mr Brown, your epic journey has not only been entertaining to follow but has also produced a really very drinkable beer.


Unknown said...

Cheers Melissa! We're going to compare the sea voyage version with a cask that's just been flown in to see if it's made a difference. Anyone who fancies joining us in Delhi on 7th Dec or Kolkata on 11th just shout!

Melissa Cole said...

Very, very tempting but I'm afraid I won't be able to make it, will miss you at this year's dinner mate!

Kieran Haslett-Moore said...

Melissa the link you have posted is to an on-line bible college!! it should be

Melissa Cole said...

Kieran, sorry I missed this the other week, now changed and Pete had been de-deified!