Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Go Green

Had Duvel Green for the first time last night, whilst my team of fellow hacks were wooping the arse of the 'beer expert' panel - ha ha ha!

It was held at the All Bar One on New Oxford Street, which is somewhere that doesn't normally register on my radar, but the range of beers is excellent and their dedication to glorious glassware is admirable.

Anyway, back to the Duvel Green, it's a 6.8%ABV beer which has a bag-load of flavours similar but not as complex the original. It still packs a punch though, as my head will attest to this morning!


Anonymous said...

Just a quick note : The Cains Brewery situation is resolved and it is back in the hands of the Dusanj brothers. The upshot of this is that our fave beers (Raisin Beer included I assume) are safe for the time being.

Melissa Cole said...

I really need to start putting bets on this kind of thing, when I first heard about it I turned to my mate and said 10:1 it will be back in their hands before the end of the year! Dammit!

Stuey said...

Ha ha, everyone's a winner, apart from the taxman I suppose. Along with Copper Dragon I'd say Cains is my favourite brewery (Although possibly it's when you've got 'favourite breweries' that you know you've got a problem).

Glenda Young said...

I'm just back from a holiday to Portugal where the Super Bock Green was very refreshing indeed! :-)

Stuart Forman said...

Not related to this post, but I saw this article in the LA times you might be interested on the rise of women in homebrewing.,0,4889854.story

Stuart Forman said...

And if for some reason that link doesn't work, you could try this one.

Anonymous said...

I've had red, blue and once white...but never green! I must get on the lookout...

Leigh said...

yeah...still can't make up my mind abou this one. really quaffable, but...something's missing and I'm not sure what...looks like I'll have to taste some more until I find out!