Monday, 22 December 2008

Thornbridge Meet the Brewer

Great news, Thornbridge is coming to town for a meet the brewer session at lovebeer@borough!

Ideal as a last minute Christmas present for your beer-loving buddies or family, or possibly as a treat for yourself to look forward to in January, tickets cost just £15 and are available from Utobeer or the Rake (both on Borough Market) or by emailing or calling 020 7378 9461.

Available to a thirsty public will be the brewery’s renowned interpretation of a classic India Pale Ale (IPA) in the form of Jaipur, the South Pacific-inspired Kipling and the beautiful Bracia, made with Italian chestnut honey – which was recently chosen for, and proved to be the star of, the British Guild of Beer Writers annual awards dinner.

Also to feature is the beer I brewed when I was up there, Seven Heron, which I tried for the first time on Friday night and was pretty pleased with, apart from the slight toffee up front which I'm not that fond of, I think it's got really refreshing pine, citrus & slightly minty flavours to it, offset by a slight bready flavour which stops it becoming too aggressive on the bitterness front.

Hope to see you there!

This post promotes a tasting at lovebeer@borough, which I am a partner in.


Ale Louse said...

Your Heron has arrived at the Grove here in Huddersfield and will be on the bar shortly! Had just about given up - will let you know how we find it.

Melissa Cole said...

Hiya Will, I'm pretty pleased with it and did consume a vast quantity with pride when it hit the Rake!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Melissa Cole said...

I know it's my blog but I just want to explain something. If you look through the postings you'll see that I don't delete comments, even unpleasant anonymous ones, but I draw the line at links for sites that promote exploitation.

Hence the above being deleted, I guess I'm just old fashioned that way!

Ale Louse said...

Really wanted to be sat in the garden on a glorious summer day with your beer, but much appreciated nonetheless - oh and it fair flew off the bar. Well done! Mini review on our blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa, I really love your Blog.
All the Best for 2009, Keep Typing..

Melissa Cole said...

Ahh, thanks anonymous, normally people only don't leave their name when it's something rude, so thanks for making a pleasant change too - cheers for 2009!