Monday, 8 March 2010

WEBrew with Purity

I am so incredibly excited about the fact that there is a new brewery launching called Windsor & Eton Brewery! Given that it's in my old neck of the woods I hope it's going to be fabulous. I was hoping to meet with them this evening but life got in the way so meeting with them next week with luck - really looking forward to it!

However, in the meantime, I must report that a while back I had the most fabulous day brewing with Florent from Purity. We brewed UBU and I have to say I learnt a lot and was made to feel exceptionally welcome and enjoyed every minute of the brewing day and had even more fun in the pub afterwards - even if the journey home was hell!

The Purity brewery is set in some of the most stunning West Mids countryside and I adore the ethic of all involved - not only do they know the pub game they are working very hard to raise the profile of beer and how transcendent it can be with food.

They brew great beers, Gold, Mad Goose & UBU - so if you haven't tried any of them yet give them a whirl, I bet you'll find a favourite in that tight portfolio.


Rob said...

Sounds quality. We would be honored for you to come to Daleside brewery for a day but I suppose North Yorkshire is a bit out your way.

Melissa Cole said...

Hiya Rob,
Hey, I'm always chuffed to bits when someone's mad enough to invite me to their brewery and it's not as out of the way as you'd think, I spend quite a bit of time in the north as that's where the inlaws are, drop me an email on melissa(at) and we can catch up!

Rob said...

holy cow! And just as I was thinking I was not worthy.

Melissa Cole said...

Rob, sarcasm doesn't become you! : )