Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Not Just Women Who Get Patronising Marketing Then!

Boys, it's clearly unmanly to eat ice cream unless it's got beer in it - now I suggest you get your knuckles off the floor and go get some!

p.s. sorry Dave at Kelham Island, I love your beers but it's just how this story was written!


Séan Billings said...

"after research showed men eat less of the popular dessert than women!" New research reveals the shocking fact that bears shit in the woods!

I don't eat a lot of ice cream, or deserts in general for that matter. It's because I don't really have a sweet tooth and making ice cream taste somewhat like beer is not going to make me want ice cream. I would rather just have the beer, thanks.

Sid Boggle said...

Will this mean I can get rid of all those girly mini-magnums from the freezer?

Melissa Cole said...

@Sean me too!
@Sid I always suspected!

Neville Grundy said...

I hardly ever sweet things, but when I do, I want ice cream to taste like ice cream. They'll be selling Bombay Curry Cheddar next!

Stono said...

Woodfordes have made beer ice cream before and it was supposed to be very nice (ok I admit I dont eat ice cream much)

but their recipe was
125ml Woodforde’s Wherry bitter
250ml double cream
125g caster sugar
4 eggs

and serve in old dimple style beer mugs.

The Pub Diaries said...

The possibilities are endless... lager sorbet anyone?

Melissa Cole said...

Yeah, tried lager sorbet, didn't really work for me, it's good with Liefmans's Cuvee Brut though, but then that's pink and I'm a girl so that really shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone!!

Martyn Cornell said...

Beerbaglioni with a strong barley wine instead of Marsala is excellent - a souped-up egg flip.

Melissa Cole said...

ooh, lovely idea x

Jess said...

RFD in Washington has (had?) a peche sorbet on the menu that I thought was really freakin' good. But, then again, I am a girl.

Beard Beer Blogger said...

Ska brewing and Durango Creamery(now defunct) used to do a milk stout ice cream, it was delicious

rabidbarfly said...

I feel ruined, soiled, sullied, spoilt, used and abused. As someone who has been talked down to for many years just for being behind the bar this is it, the straw that broke the camels back, now why ARE my knuckles bleeding and where's the fucking pedi-spa?! Someone get me a spoon!